The Enneagram is a map of psychological character types, created by Claudio Naranjo, used in counseling and personal growth as a tool for self-knowledge, awareness, and relational evolution.
According to Naranjo, each of us has emotional, cognitive, and bodily characteristics, needs, values, relational modes, automatisms, and more or less neurotic aspects that identify us with one of the 9 character types of the Enneagram. Each Enneatype, indicated by a number from 1 to 9, has two neighbors, called 'wings,' and two connections. Discovering the Enneagram, each of us can feel perfectly represented by the description of our Enneatype or also feel a strong influence from the wings and connections. Furthermore, the level of evolution or 'neuroticism' can intensify or dampen one or more dysfunctional or functional aspects, sometimes making recognition more difficult.
It is undeniable, however, that after discovering the Enneagram map, almost everyone is fascinated by it. Wearing an Enneagram-themed T-shirt with your Enneatype could be fun but also stimulate dialogue with friends and knowledge